Our Goals

  1. Create a pediatric orthopedic network that invites global collaboration not limited to North America or to the English-speaking world.

  2. Increase opportunities for knowledge sharing, data sharing, research collaboration, teaching, training and patient advocacy.

  3. Improve the quality and strength of global pediatric orthopedic research.

  4. Conduct prospective observational studies to collect data that is routinely collected as part of standard of care.

Children with limb differences represent a wide spectrum of lower limb conditions that can affect a child’s ability to stay active, participate in activities at school and can also influence their social and emotional health.

These conditions can either be present at birth or are acquired during life due to trauma, infection, tumours and other medical conditions. These conditions are difficult to study because they are rare and often surgeons only see a handful of cases of these conditions in their practice. Hence, it is important to collect data on these orthopaedic conditions from many sites across the world to have enough number of patients to perform research studies.

This project will be the largest study on children’s lower limb conditions, and the number of hospitals and countries involved will allow us to get a better understanding than ever before on how to best treat and improve the lives of children with lower limb differences worldwide.